Dissertation is actually extracted of Latin word which means “Discourse”. Dissertation has same nature as thesis because both are the documents which are submitted by the students to qualify their academic degree by showing that how much knowledge they have gained and what they have did in their research work. Mostly in universities and many nations the thesis document is associated with the bachelors and masters degree while dissertation is only associated with the high degree called “Doctorate” also known as P.H.D. Some nations do contrary to it. It is up to the nations rule there is no such hard rule.

Dissertation writing is not an easy job. A dissertation writer should be very much aware of the dissertation writing because ones Doctorate depends on it the more good he have written the more good impact it will make on reader. A good dissertation writer is a person who has done complete research on his topic and he has clear ideas. He has command on his topic from all angles for example analytically, logically etc. which make good impact on audience with its perfect relations and references.

If you want to write a dissertation a good dissertation then you should keep some important points in your mind.

1)      Be prepared about your topic and consult with the related persons who can help you. Go deep through your topic

2)      Do your research, do questionnaires try to do everything planned this will help you being effective

3)      Look out for the arrangement of the dissertation. you should not add too much brackets etc. your layout should be good and complete

4)      Make rough draft about the material you are going to use. Be grammatically perfect. Avoid use of pronouns

5)      Use complete and original references at the end

Since the 1938 there is a record which contains bibliography of international dissertations. It is called Dissertation abstracts international. This contains doctorate dissertations which are accepted internationally and have three sections which cover different topics.